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Contact Form General

Partner with us today for exam success!

Our dedicated team are ready to help you find the right tutoring or course to complete your education journey. If you have any questions about what we offer please dont hesitate to get in touch to find out more.or head to our tutoring and course pages to explore what we offer.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, once students are enrolled both parents and students are added to a google classroom with the tutor. The tutor sets weekly homework visible to both parents and students, parents can see missed submissions and can interact with the tutor through the announcements feature.

Our Google Classroom portals have a score tracking system, Tutors set weekly homework and assignments which are marked and recorded on their Google classrooms. Tutors also conduct frequent mini testing in class to monitor growth and progress.

Yes, we offer a 10% discounted rate when booking 3 or more hours a week

When cancelling or rescheduling a session we request that 24 hour prior notice is given. Our tutors are incredibly flexible and will liase with the parents to reschedule sessions, tutors also accomodate any extra sessions that students may want to take in the lead up to exams

We request that payment is made upfront to secure booking, we understand that some sessions may need to be rescheduled or cancelled which can be done with a prior notice of 24 hours.

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